Friday, September 29, 2006
Well, duh!
You've Changed 64% in 10 Years

Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal.
In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it!

Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday Madness

1. Holiday in Europe or Asia?
Europe. That way I could visit my sister. Asia has nothing to offer me that's that appealing.

2. How do you try to change a behavior pattern you don't like about yourself... whether it's chewing fingernails, overeating, smoking, or picking your nose?
Ummmm..... I guess I don't. I have quite a few of the above mentioned habits. I can honestly say I don't pick my nose, though. I kind of never get around to changing them. If I paint my nails, I am less likely to bite them. Food and smoking are two things that I battle with, though. I don't know if it's boredom or what, but they are both addictions that I have.

3. Have you ever successfully completed a Sudoku puzzle?
Can't say that I have. I find that game very very frustrating. I just don't understand the big craze over it.

4. What website do you visit the most often?
Oooo, that's a toughy. I have a lot of websites that I -must- visit everyday, like every blog on my sidebar over there, diaperswappers, CDC.... but I guess technically I would say it must be, since I check my e-mail a bazillion and one times every day.

5. What was your favorite thing about high school or college?

Call me a dork, but it was marching band. I really hope to get to go to a football game while I am in Cleveland next month, but just so I can see the halftime show.

Friday, September 22, 2006
The Friday Five

# Given a choice, and imagining that money and time were no object, would you rather cook dinner, eat out or order in?

I would rather eat out. I really enjoy having some place to go and something to do. Don't get me wrong, spending time at home is nice, too, but I also like to get out. Besides, it's nice to have someone else cook your food, bring it to you and then clean up when you are done!

# What is the most elaborate meal you've ever prepared yourself or purchased at a restaurant?

The summer after my freshman year in college, Andrea and I went out with our boyfriends-of-the-moment, Josh and Scott. Josh chose the restaurant and paid. I don't remember the name of the place, but it was a seafood restaurant in downtown Cleveland. We had appetizers - I believe calamari and blue fin tuna. I ordered scallops on garlic mashed potatoes for the main course. We also had dessert, but I can't for the life of me remember what. We got coffee after dinner, too. I don't like coffee, so I got some Bailey's in mine.... mind you, I was only 19. I guess they figured if you could afford to be in a place like that, you had to be over 21. Well, they figured wrong. The place was just so fancy and so nice.... everything was delicious and expensive. I figure it was the most elaborate meal because we actually had all the courses, plus it is honestly the meal that sticks out in my head the most.

# What food do you find yourself making and/or eating way too much?

Lately it's been Dairy Queen. They know my name there. Pathetic. I have my own concoction that I get. A blizzard with Cocoa fudge, chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie pieces, with whipped cream on top. Try it some time, it's delish.

# What was your most disastrous cooking/eating out experience?

The first birthday of Nathan's that we spent together, I made him a cake. From scratch. With icing. From scratch. I was so extremely proud of myself, I can't even describe it. Well, I ended up going to Cleveland for the weekend. We didn't have a cake taker at the time, so Nathan suggested to put it in the oven for safe keeping. Well, I guess he didn't remember his own suggestion, because when he went to make dinner for the kids after I left, he didn't take the cake out first. He ruined all my hard work. I have never made a cake from scratch again.

# Would you rather cook for someone else or have them cook for you?

Definitely have someone else cook for me. I think it's because I am lazy. I do enjoy cooking, but I am always worried that the people I am cooking for won't like what I make. You shouldn't get nervous about cooking for crying out loud. I'll just let someone else do it.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday Threesome

::Ice Cream Social::

Onesome: Ice--
skating? Yes? No? Rinks? Ponds? No way?

I've been a few times. I'm not really good at it, but it's fun. I can distinctly remember going ice skating on my Grandma's pond when I was younger with my cousins, Megan and Kelly. They were much more experienced that I was, so Megan was skating forward and kind of pushing me, but I was going backwards. Make sense? Okay. So, long story short, she pushed me over and I banged my head on the ice pretty good. Of course, I was a heck of a whiner back in the day, so I probably didn't really hit that hard. That would make ponds a no, rinks a yes.

Twosome: Cream--
soda? The work of evil scientists or a true pleasure in life ?

I hate cream soda. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I just can't stand the taste. For about the past year and a half I've only drank diet pop, anyway. I should give it up all together, but that's just too big of a step for me.

Threesome: Social-- Are you considered to be a social person? ...or are you more likely to not be comfortable with a bunch of people around you? ...and wait a moment: how about in a classroom situation? Is that different for you?

I'd have to go with social. I love being around other people and talking to other people. I do, however, care waaay too much about what said other people think about me. That's an issue I am dealing with. But I'd rather be in a room full of people than alone any day. Well, almost any day. To me, a classroom is just another room full of people. I'll talk to them all. I do get a little nervous getting up in front of that classroom, though.

First Post
So, after all the typing about Ivy (which, you know, I do so often) I decided to start a blog for me. A lot of times there are things that I want to write about myself that I don't want to put in Ivy's blog, like about my business, or my plans for the weekend. Because I ALWAYS have fun plans for the weekend. Yeah. Right.

Anyway, I ran across what I thought would be a fun meme to do, but didn't want to put it on Ivy's blog, so I decided to start a blog for me. Yup, everything will be all about me, just like BI years. You know, before Ivy. I really do plan to update this pretty often, with memes or original writing, and hopefully that will give me a kick in the pants to update Ivy's blog too. In fact, I'll go do that now.
