Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday Madness

1. Holiday in Europe or Asia?
Europe. That way I could visit my sister. Asia has nothing to offer me that's that appealing.

2. How do you try to change a behavior pattern you don't like about yourself... whether it's chewing fingernails, overeating, smoking, or picking your nose?
Ummmm..... I guess I don't. I have quite a few of the above mentioned habits. I can honestly say I don't pick my nose, though. I kind of never get around to changing them. If I paint my nails, I am less likely to bite them. Food and smoking are two things that I battle with, though. I don't know if it's boredom or what, but they are both addictions that I have.

3. Have you ever successfully completed a Sudoku puzzle?
Can't say that I have. I find that game very very frustrating. I just don't understand the big craze over it.

4. What website do you visit the most often?
Oooo, that's a toughy. I have a lot of websites that I -must- visit everyday, like every blog on my sidebar over there, diaperswappers, CDC.... but I guess technically I would say it must be, since I check my e-mail a bazillion and one times every day.

5. What was your favorite thing about high school or college?

Call me a dork, but it was marching band. I really hope to get to go to a football game while I am in Cleveland next month, but just so I can see the halftime show.


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